Doz. Dr. Stefan Weber
Specialist in the control of good scientific practice
Court-proof plagiarism check • Since 2002
- is a service to check the citation quality and integrity of scientific texts of any kind.
- Clients will benefit from court-proof plagiarism reports that are personally prepared and certified by an academically top-qualified researcher – carrying more weight than any anonymous software report.
- The entire investigative process is based on the expertise of a single researcher who developed the three-steps plagiarism detection method.
- This method has proved its efficiency in hundreds of cases of alleged or verified plagiarism in academia since 2007.
- Based on the specialist reports of the researcher, Doz. Dr. Stefan Weber from Austria, eleven academic degrees have been retracted so far, and his reports have been confirmed by high courts.
“Plagiarism is a world-wide problem and a threat to our intellectual culture and our established values originating from the 18th century or even earlier. Prominent cases such as the former Hungarian president, the former German minister of defence, the Romanian prime minister or the German and the Romanian minister of education appear to be only the tip of the iceberg: There is a systemic problem in academia embarrassingly often neglected or suppressed.”
Doz. Dr. Stefan Weber, media researcher and “plagiarism hunter”, Austria
Doz. Dr. Stefan Weber
Media researcher
Plagiarism expert